Hey there, welcome to my blog! My name is Charmaine, but my blog goes by C. Marie; I’m 29 years old and I’m a mom of two precious little girls and a wife! I own a custom cake shop in New York, I love to travel, and I love to eat! OMG I love food! I have a very small family, but I married into a big family. I love all of my family and friends dearly; they’re true supporters and such comforting people. I’ve had quite a ride throughout life, I mean a whole lot of ups and downs; that’s why I started blogging. I would love to share what I’ve been through and connect with other people that have been through similar situations. If you’re looking to hear about my travel experiences, restaurants I’ve been to in New York, or my business journey; listen you’re in the right place! Pretty much, I’m just getting through life and trying to enjoy it like everyone else. I’m sure we all can relate some way, somehow, right? I hope you enjoy all that I have to share! Again, welcome to my blog, or as I’d like to call it, my crash out journal! 🙂



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